An Online Course for Karaoke Beginner Singers
An online vocal course for Karaoke beginners
Online Voice Course for Karaoke Beginners
This online course will help you...
Feel More Confident
Karaoke Goals is for you if you want to feel more confident singing in front of others. If you dream of making your vocal debut but need a bit of guidance from a voice expert, Karaoke Goals will help you make that leap!
Improve your singing
This course will help you find your range and begin to expand it, show you ways to begin building more vocal power and most importantly help you learn to feel great on stage
Build your singing skills
When you purchase Karaoke Goals, you will receive vocal exercise tracks that are fun and easy to follow. You can watch the lesson videos and get expert advice on how to unlock your singing voice and gain confidence.
We will even give you a guide of karaoke song titles to help you choose the perfect songs to show off your vocal strengths!
Karaoke Goals
This course will give you exercises to explore your range and begin to gain comfort expanding it, show you how to find more power in your voice, and will introduce great ways to help find the perfect song that shows off your strengths that you already have!
We even include tips for improving your stage presence so you look as comfy as you sound.

Do you recognize any of these issues?
Do you run out of breath when trying to hold the long sustained lines?
Do you feel tired and/or exhausted after a few songs?
Do you feel limited by the notes in your range?
Do you struggle to hit the high notes?
Do you struggle you know what to do next to improve your singing/performance?
Do you wish you could get help from an experienced vocal coach and learn to improve your performance?
Why did we create Karaoke Goals?
We created Karaoke Goals to provide help for the hundreds of singers who have approached us with questions about singing or longing to sing karaoke but feeling too shy to try it. We want you to empower yourself and grab that mic!! Sing your face off and feel confident while you do it!
Take a chance on this low cost, self paced course and discover what your voice can do!

Start the Online Voice Course 'Karaoke Goals' today
Are you a more experienced karaoke singer?
Karaoke Enthusiast is for you, the singer who chooses karaoke bars over sports bars. You love the feeling you get on that mic and you want to up your game! This course will offer fun exercises to build vocal strength, range, and agility.